Ryzen powered hardware with NVMe SSD storage.
Multi-Gigabit Network
Offsite backups to keep your data safe
1 click installs for hundreds of web packages, Easy DNS Management and more
* Start with our smallest plans and then upgrade with time.
Most importantly, we don't oversell server resources.
We are an ideal hosting solution for Florida, Caribbean and Latin America customers with our powerful servers located in Miami (other datacenter locations also available, contact for details).
Our team is full of passionate web hosting experts that know what they're doing. For any issues or questions make sure to contact them, they're friendly :)
" Great prices and an amazing support team, would not choose another. "
" "EXPLOSIVE" "DYNAMITE" "BRILLIANT" "A MUST SEE" Surely you can't be serious."
" Ludicrous speed, my Eagle 5 website loads just way too fast! At least it hasn't gone to plaid."