Summary of standard terms applicable to all services provided. Written contract terms may vary.

Terms of Service

Client is generally responsible for providing a clear, concise scope. In the event client is unable (eg. lacking specialty or complete knowledge required to provide an accurate scope, etc.) or otherwise fails to provide specific scope requirements, the actual scope of service(s) provided may be a "best guess" based on Consultant's understanding of client's project goal(s). Specific services, and the methods employed to provide said services, are done so at Consultant's discretion and Consultant reserves the right of refusal for any task. Consultant not responsible for additional time or other costs incurred due to changes in scope, or as a result of using any particular methods specified by client in the performance of any services provided. Service may include knowledge-based work, the product of which may be in any form including, but not limited to; oral, written, report, advice, research, training, demonstration, design, physical object/ construction/configuration/assembly, hardware/firmware/software design or other digital format. Consultant reserves all rights to Intellectual Property.
Bulk rates (daily or greater) or scheduling hourly work for a specific day/time (4 hour minimum) require a 35% reservation fee in advance. The reservation fee is a non-refundable, non-transferable retainer.
Prepaid deposits in excess of the 35% reservation fee, excluding applicable travel and/or other expenses, cancellation fees, etc. incurred, may be refunded in the event of cancellation prior to a scheduled start of service date. If cancellation occurs after start of service, the full standard hourly rate may be applied to all time spent, which may include, but not be limited to, preparation (preliminary research, analysis, planning, etc.), client account administration, communications with client and/or with others on behalf of client, travel to/from client site or other client/project related travel, labor, onsite or other specific wait-time/delays, sourcing and/or purchasing materials/supplies/etc.
Any payment due that remains unpaid past 48 hours from end of service may be subject to additional fees, including, but not limited to, 5% late fee, interest up to 18%, collection costs, maritime, mechanic's, or other lien costs and legal fees.
Any tools, electronics, or other equipment provided for client's use may be subject to a rental fee equal to 5% of the current retail cost of the item per day. Any item not returned after 15 days from end of service, unless otherwise subject to specific rental agreement, may be charged the greater of accrued daily rental fees or current full retail equivalent replacement value +20%.
